Elenco seminari 2012
Martedi 7 Febbraio, ore 15, aula 200
S. Gliske (Argonne National Lab)
"Dihadron production in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering: a theoretical overview"
Mercoledi 8 Febbraio, ore 15, aula 200
S. Gliske (Argonne National Lab)
"SIDIS dihadron production at HERMES"
Mercoledi 7 Marzo, ore 11.30, aula 412
V. Novikov (ITEP)
"A few new comments on CPT theorem"
Martedi 13 Marzo, ore 11.00, aula 412
il Dr. Kent Wood (National Research Laboratory, Washington DC)
"Using Fermi LAT and Pan-STARRS as All-Sky Monitors for Correlated Observing."
Giovedi 15 Marzo, ore 15, aula riunioni 3 piano blocco B
F. Annulli (INFN, Roma)
"Misure di processi di annichilazione e+e- -> adroni con radiazione di stato iniziale a BABAR, e implicazioni per il calcolo del contributo adronico al momento magnetico anomalo del muone"
Martedi 2 Aprile, ore 11, aula 412
Zurab Berezhiani (Laboratori del Gran Sasso e Universita' dell'Aquila)
"Magnetic anomaly in the trapping of Ultra Cold Neutrons: signal for neutron oscillations to parallel world?"
Tipologia di seminario: Specifico, Teorico, Cosmologia/Fisica fondamentale
Martedi 3 Aprile, ore 15, aula 416
I. Sawicki (Institut fuer Theoretische Physik" di Heidelberg)
“Kinetic Gravity Braiding: A Stable Violation of the Null Energy Condition”
Tipologia di seminario: Specifico, Teorico, Cosmologia
Prof. Lesiak dell'Institute of Nuclear Physics di Cracovia, Copernicus Visiting Scientist presso l'Università di Ferrara.
'Monte Carlo techniques in physics'.
1a lezione: Martedi 17 Aprile, ore 15:30, aula 200
2a lezione: Mercoledi 18 Aprile, ore 15:30, aula 200
3a lezione: Giovedi 19 Aprile, ore xx, aula xx
4a lezione: Venderdi 20 Aprile, ore xx, aula xx
5a lezione: Lunedi 9 Luglio, ore 10, aula 200
6a lezione: Martedi 10 Luglio, ore 10, aula 200
7a lezione: Mercoledi 11 Luglio, ore 10, aula 200
Tipologia di seminario: Lezione, Tecniche di simulazione, indirizzato agli studenti
Giovedi 4 MAggio ore 15 aula 412
Andrea Beraudo (CERN)
"Jet-quenching in relativistic heavy-ion collisions: the contribution of medium-modified color flow"
Tipologia di seminario: Specifico, Teorico, QCD + Heavy Ion
Mercoledi 9 Maggio, ore 15, aula 412 ******** ANNULLATO *******
S. Focardi (Univ. Bologna)
"Energia dalla fusione fredda"
Verra' illustrato l'uso dei sistemi nichel-idrogeno come sorgenti di energia termica
Tipologia di seminario: Generale, Sperimentale, Energia
Lunedi 14 Maggio alle ore 11:00 aula 412 (aula da confermare)
prof. Yuri Kamyshkov del Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Tennessee
"Matter-antimatter transformation via neutron-antineutron oscillation: status review and new searches with cold neutrons"
Tipologia di seminario: Specifico, Sperimentale, Fisica fondamentale
Giovedi 17 Maggio, ore 14:30, aula 412
Dr. Raffaella Margutti (Harvard University)
"A comprehensive statistical analysis of more than 650 gamma-ray bursts reveals a universal scaling"
Abstract: "The prompt phase of Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) is followed by a long-lasting, multi-wavelength emission (the “afterglow”) whose origin is still debated. Key open questions remain to be answered: 1) Is the central engine still active during this phase? 2) Does the X-ray emission retain any kind of memory of the prompt phase? 3) Where is the dividing line between long and short GRBs? In this talk I review the observational properties of the X-ray afterglow emission, any theoretical model is required to explain. In particular, I present the results from a comprehensive statistical analysis of more than 650 GRB X-ray light-curves. This study revealed the existence of a number of statistically significant relations that link the X-ray to prompt parameters in long GRBs; short GRBs are outliers of the majority of these 2-par relations. More importantly, I report on the existence of a universal 3-parameter scaling that links the X-ray and the gamma-ray properties of BOTH long and short GRBs."
Tipologia di seminario: Specifico, Sperimentale, Astrofisica/Cosmologia
Giovedi 17 Maggio, ore 15:00, aula 300
Sergey Stark (INFN Legnaro)
"Superconducting Niobium Sputtered Copper 160 MHz Resonators For Ions Acceleration. Technology Development, Production, Installation and Online Performance"
Abstract: The Nb sputtering process on Copper Quarter Wave Resonators (QWRs) was first applied in Legnaro for the production of beta 0.13, 160 MHz cavities. In 1998 it was demonstrated that the same technology could be applied to the previously installed at Legnaro, beta 0.11, 160 MHz Pb/Cu resonators allowing a substantial increase of their performance. The results suggested to plan the upgrading of resonators in parallel to the necessary cryostat maintenance program, which started at the end of 1999 and was completed by the end of 2003.
8 high beta and 46 medium beta Nb sputtered resonators are now operating in ALPI. The average accelerating field has reached the value of 4.8 MV/m @ 7 W. Such value can be effectively sustained in operation due to the intrinsic mechanical stability of the sputtered cavity whose frequency is practically not influenced by fluctuations in the He bath pressure.
The contribution to ALPI equivalent voltage of the two types of cavities is increasing with time due to conditioning effect and at present they provide more than 45 MV to ALPI accelerating voltage.
Tipologia del seminario: sperimentale/cavita' acceleratrici, specialistico
Venerdi 18 Maggio, ore 11, aula 412
Dr. Anatoli Kashchuk (PNPI & INFN Ferrara)
"Laboratory test of a prototype for the PANDA forward tracker"
Abstract: Thin-wall straw-like drift tubes are the modern detectors in High Energy Physics experiments for measurements of particle coordinates with resolution of 100 microns for trackers. The PANDA experiment will be carried-out at the international FAIR facility in the GSI laboratory (Darmstadt, Germany). It plans to build on such tubes both the Central Tracker and the Forward Tracker. Results of tests in lab of the 2-layer prototypes constructed for the PANDA experiment are presented and discussed. Proposals and ideas for implementing the final modular detector based on the experience collected last years in Ferrara are made.
Tipologia di seminario: Sperimentale (rivelatori), Particelle
Martedi 22 Maggio, ore 15, aula 412 ----> Rinviato a nuova data per terremoto
Dr. Marco TAVANI (Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica dell'INAF di Roma),
Abstract: Recent data by the AGILE and Fermi satellites provide a startling picture of our Universe at gamma-ray energies above 100 MeV. I will review the gamma-ray observations and focus on the issue of cosmic particle acceleration under extreme conditions. I will summarize data for Galactic and extragalactic sources, and concentrate on the recent evidence for cosmic-ray acceleration in Supernova Remnants (SNRs). I will discuss several SNRs for which a clear pattern of hadronic acceleration is emerging with interesting and somewhat unexpected properties. In particular, I will present the first clear evidence for neutral pion emission from a SNR as recently obtained by AGILE for the W44 source. I will then discuss the recent discovery by AGILE of transient gamma-ray emission from the Crab Nebula which is among the most powerful and efficient particle accelerators in our Galaxy. The paradigm of a constant Crab Nebula is now challenged by the recent AGILE and Fermi observations showing several episodes of very intense and rapid gamma-ray flares. I will discuss the challenge to current particle acceleration models in light of the surprising Crab Nebula gamma-ray data.
Tipologia di seminario: Sperimentale, Astrofisica.
Indicato per gli studenti di dottorato
Martedi 12 Giugno, ore 14, aula 412
Paolo Natoli (dipartimento di Fisica dell'Universita' di Ferrara)
'Planck: results and cosmological perspectives'
Abstract: The European Space Agency’s Planck satellite was launched on 14 May 2009, and has been surveying the sky stably and continuously with the two onboard instruments since 13 August 2009 until 14 January 2012. On this date, the High Frequency Instrument has reached the expected end of its cryogenic lifetime. The Low Frequency Instrument continues to gather data steadily, and is expected to do so for several months to come. The global performance of Planck is well in line with expectations. I will give an overview of the history of Planck’s first years of operations, describing the overall philosophy, motivations and key performance issues of the mission. I will also describe the Planck’s Early Release Compact Source Catalogue, the first data product of Planck to become public, comprising more than 10000 compact sources in the band 30-857 GHz, from nearby objects in the Galaxy to various classes of radio galaxies and dusty galaxies and to distant clusters of galaxies. I will also highlight the most prominent results from the recent second science release, which have been presented last February at a dedicated conference in Bologna. Finally, I will discuss the much awaited cosmological expectations: Planck will probe the conditions of the early Universe at energy scales inconceivable for terrestrial experiments. Primordial gravitational waves, the inflationary phase and its suggested connection with the Higgs boson sought at CERN, as well as fundamental physics beyond the standard model, are all targets on Planck's schedule.
Tipologia del seminario: Generale, Sperimentale, Astrofisica/Cosmologia, indicato anche agli studenti del corso di laurea in fisica.
Venerdi 22 Giugno, ore 10, aula 412
Proff G.Santarato, R.Caputo (dipartimento di Scienze della Terra dell'Universita' di Ferrara)
'Il sisma che ha interessato la pianura Emiliana' e "Geologia del nostro territorio"
Tipologia del seminario: Generale, Scienze della Terra
Lunedi 16 Luglio, ore 11:30, aula 412
Prof. Yu-Qing Lou (Tsinghua University, Physics Department and Tsinghua Center for Astrophysics)
"Supermassive Black Holes in Galactic Bulges and Intermediate Mass Black Holes in Globular Clusters."
Tipologia del seminario: Specialistico, Astrofisica
Venerdi' 28 Settembre 2012 IUSS
"I Beni Culturali dopo il sisma: situazione attuale e prospettive"
Martedi' 16 ottobre 2012 alle 11.30, nell'aula 412
Prof. Maxim Lyutikov, della Purdue University di Indianapolis, Indiana (USA).
"Gamma Ray Bursts: back to the blackboard"
Exceptional observational breakthroughs in the field of Gamma Ray Burst research are not paralleled by theoretical advances. I will argue that any present day model of GRBs, especially of Short type, is grossly incomplete. I will highlight various contradictions with observations that many models face and briefly mention a number of ideas that might or might not work.
Tipologia del seminario: Specialistico, Astrofisica
Martedi 23 Ottobre, ore 15, Stanza 412
''Multiple Scattering Effect on Ultra Relativistic Electron Radiation in Amorphous and Crystalline Media''
Serguei Fomin, Akhiezer Institute for Theoretical Physics, National Science Center “Kharkov Institute of Physics & Technology”, Kharkov, Ukraine
Martedi 30 Ottobre, ore 15, Stanza 412
''Safe Fast Reactor Working in the Nuclear Burning Wave Regime: Prometheus of the 21st Century''
Oratore: Serguei Fomin, Akhiezer Institute for Theoretical Physics, National Science Center “Kharkov Institute of Physics & Technology”, Kharkov, Ukraine
lunedi 5/11, ore 16:00-18:00, blocco C, aula 132
Prof Nikolai Shul’ga "Copernicus visiting scientist", nonche' accademico delle scienze dell'Ucraina
(Akhiezer Institute for Theoretical Physics, National Science Center “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology”, Kharkov 61108, Ukraine)
"Coherent bremsstrahlung by relativistic electrons in crystal''
Abstract:The first theory of the Coherent Bremsstrahlung (CB) by relativistic electrons in crystals was done by B. Ferretti (1950), M. Ter-Mikaelian (1953) and H. Uberall
(1956). This theory was based on the equivalent photon method and the first Born approximation of Quantum Electrodynamics. The main results of this theory, the
physical reasons of coherent effect in radiation, different types of the CB are discussed in this lecture. The main attention is devoted to the validity conditions of the Ferretti-
Ter-Mikaelian-Uberall theory of the CB and to the new directions of researches of this phenomenon.
Martedi 13/11 alle 16:00 aula 412 Dipartimento di Fisica
Dr. Francesco Giacosa (Institut für Theoretische Physik, Frankfurt)
"Elementary and non-elementary hadrons"
Abstract:Most hadrons are well defined stable bound states in the large-Nc limit and are considered as ‘elementary’ from an hadronic point of view. For
instance, quark-antiquark mesons and glueballs are such. On the other hand, non-elementary molecular-like hadron-hadron structures can emerge in
the framework of the so-called dynamical generation of resonances. This concept, and the related one of ‘dynamical reconstruction’, is presented
in detail. Focusing on the meson sector, various examples are provided and the nature of vector, axial-vector, tensor and scalar mesons is discussed.
In the end, the present status of the novel (but yet unconfirmed) scalar state with a mass of 38 MeV is summarized.
A) Specifico
B) Teorico
C) Fisica Adronica
Indicato per gli studenti della specialistica (fisica teorica e particellare) e del dottorato
Mercoledi' 28 Novembre alle ore 14:30, in stanza 412, presso il dipartimento di Fisica
il Prof Zurab Berezhiani, (Laboratori del Gran Sasso e Universita' dell'Aquila)
"Dark matter and galactic magnetic fields"
Abstract: We discuss how dark matter particles, provided that they have a tiny electric charges, could generate seeds of magnetic fields of a proper size for galaxies and other cosmological structures.
A) seminario/lezione
B) teorico
C) cosmologia/particelle
Il seminario e' indicato anche per gli studenti di dottorato e della laurea magistrale in fisica
Giovedi' 6 Dicembre alle ore 15:30, in stanza 412, presso il dipartimento di Fisica
Dott.ssa Laura Tolos (Barcelona University).
Title: "Strange and Charmed Mesons in Nuclear Matter and Nuclei"
Abstract : I will review the properties of strange and charm mesons in nuclear matter and nuclei. I will discuss different frameworks paying a special attention to discuss unitarized coupled-channel approaches that take, as bare interaction, chiral effective lagrangians and/or vector-meson exchange models. I will also discuss possible experimental signatures of the in-medium properties of those hadrons, in particular in connection with the future FAIR facility at GSI.
A) seminario specialistico
B) teorico
C) fisica nucleare
Venerdi' 7 Dicembre, ore 14:30 presso l'aula 412 del blocco C
il Dr. Mirko Reguzzoni (Politecnico di Milano)
Titolo: "Crustal Thickness estimation from GOOCE satellite mission gravity data"
Abstract: "The boundary between Earth crust and mantle, the so called Moho, is commonly estimated by means of seismic or gravimetric methods. The former methods can be locally very accurate since seismic profiles give an almost direct observation of the actual crustal structure, but can be quite far from reality in large regions where no data are available. The latter methods, although often based on simplified hypotheses to guarantee the uniqueness of the solution, are nowadays becoming more and more important thanks to the improved knowledge of the gravitational field. In particular satellite gravity missions, like GOCE, provide a very accurate and spatially homogeneous dataset that can be used to validate the existing global crustal models or to estimate a new one by constraining the relation between Moho depth and crustal density.
In this work a new crustal model with a spatial resolution of 0.5°x0.5° and constrained with GOCE observations is computed. For this purpose several additional external information has been used, such as topography, bathymetry and ice sheet models from SRTM, a recent 1°x1° sediment global model and some prior hypotheses on crustal density. In particular the main geological provinces, each of them characterized by its own relation between density and depth, have been considered. A model describing lateral density variations of the upper mantle is also taken into account. Starting from this prior information, an inversion algorithm is applied to the GOCE space-wise grid of second radial derivatives of the gravitational potential to estimate the bottom of the crust in such a way that the whole crustal model is consistent with the observed gravitational field."
A) seminario specifico/interdisciplinare
B) sperimentale
C) geofisica
Mercoledi' 12 Dicembre alle ore 14:30, in stanza 412, presso il dipartimento di Fisica
Dr. Donatello Dolce (CoEPP (ARC Centre of Excellence for Particle Physics at the Terascale), University of Melbourne, Australia).
Title: ``Elementary space-time cycles in particle physics''
Abstract: In modern physics every system is described in terms of a set of elementary particles and the relativistic variations of energy-momentum associated the fundamental interaction schemes. Quantum mechanics tell us that to every elementary particle there is associated a recurrence in time and space whose periodicity describes the kinematics though the Planck constant (undulatory mechanics). Thus every physical system can be consistently reinterpreted in terms of relativistic modulations of elementary space-time cycles. As mathematically proven in recent scientific publications, the simple assumption of an intrinsically cyclic nature of elementary particles (described as embedded in space-time dimensions with minimal topology $S^{1}$) yields a formal semiclassical unification: of classical-relativistic and quantum-relativistic dynamics [arXiv:0903.3680], of gauge and gravitational interactions [arXiv:1110.0315], of extra dimensional geometries and 4D quantum field theories (e.g. AdS/CFT) [arXiv:1110.0316]. The resulting formulation extends semiclassical methods typical of condensed matter to high energy physics, it brings novel elements to address geometrodynamical origin of the mass of elementary particles and yields fundamental implications about our notion of space-time.
A) seminario/lezione
B) fisica teorica
C) fisica fondamentale (quantistica e delle particelle elementari)
Seminario indicato agli studenti della specialistica e del dottorato
Giovedì 13 Dicembre alle 15:00 Aula 412
Prof. Tommaso Calarco (Ulm University)
"Quantum Technology Taken to its Limits"
Abstract: Quantum effects form the basis of most present-day information technologies.
However, the full power of quantum coherence has not yet been tapped for everyday technological applications. The exquisite level of control of current atomic physics experiments may enable this, for instance in the field of quantum communication and quantum computing - but scalable quantum information processing requires extremely precise operations. Quantum optimal control theory allows to design the evolution of realistic systems in order to attain the best possible performance that is allowed by the laws of quantum mechanics. I will present a range of its applications to a variety of quantum technologies, and discuss its use in probing the ultimate limits to the speed, fidelity and size of the corresponding quantum processes.
Martedi' 18 dicembre 2012 alle 11.00, nell'aula 412
Il Prof. Salvatore Capozziello, dell'Università Federico II di Napoli,
''Hydrostatic equilibrium and stellar structure in f(R)-gravity''
Abstract:We investigate the hydrostatic equilibrium of stellar structure by taking into account the modified Lane'-Emden equation coming out from
f(R)-gravity. Such an equation is obtained in metric approach by considering the Newtonian limit of f(R)-gravity, which gives rise to a
modified Poisson equation, and then introducing a relation between pressure and density with polytropic index n. The modified equation
results an integro-differential equation, which, in the limit of General Relativity becomes the standard Lane'-Emden equation. We find the radial
profiles of gravitational potential by solving for some values of n. The comparison of solutions with those coming from General Relativity shows
that they are compatible and physically relevant.
This analysis gives rise to unstable modes not present in the standard Jeans analysis (derived assuming Newtonian gravity as weak field limit of
f(R)=R). In this perspective, we discuss several self-gravitating astrophysical systems whose dynamics could be fully addressed in the
framework of f(R)-gravity.