Beach Morphodynamics



The study of Beach Morphodynamics refers to the interaction between physical phenomena and beach morphology in a wide range of space and time scale. Several processes can be responsable of beach modification such as waves, tide, wind, storms, sea level rise and climate change. All these factors can be analysed in a more complex approach if combined to boundary conditions like sediment characteristics, geology, antecedent morphology, influence from human activities, biology, etc.




Papers dealing with Beach Morphodynamics:

E. Grottoli, D. Bertoni, P. Ciavola, A. Pozzebon (2019) - Ocean and Coastal Management

E. Grottoli, D. Bertoni, P. Ciavola (2017) - Geomorphology


E. Grottoli, D. Bertoni, P. Ciavola, A. Pozzebon (2015) - Marine Geology

M. Harley, U. Andriolo, C. Armaroli, P. Ciavola (2014) - Journal of Coastal Conservation


D. Bertoni, E. Grottoli, P. Ciavola, G. Sarti, G. Benelli, A. Pozzebon (2013) - Geo-Marine Letters